
Welcome Message

Welcome to Just Dance It!

Thank you for choosing our school for your dance training and welcome to the Just Dance It! family.

We have prepared this handbook with all information we feel you need to know. Feel free to bookmark this page on your device to keep it handy as it will answer many questions you may have throughout the year. If there is an issue we have not covered in this handbook, please feel free to come in and ask questions, we will be happy to answer them for you.

Again, thank you for joining our family and we look forward to a long and happy relationship.


Alina and Krizia

School Year

Our school year officially begins Monday, August 5th, 2024. It ends Sunday, June 22nd, 2025.


The school will be closed certain holidays throughout the year. The following is a tentative schedule of holidays we will be closed:

October 2024
October 31st Halloween - Closed

November 2024
November 28th - 30th Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2024
December 21st Last day of classes before Christmas Break: December 22nd - 4th January

Class Attendance

Students shall be punctual to all classes. If late more than 15 minutes, the teacher has the right to not accept the student in class. Coming in the classroom while class is being conducted disrupts the Teacher. Please be considerate and try to be on time. If classroom doors are locked, please report to the front desk and someone will take the student to class.

Make Up Classes

We encourage students to attend their regularly scheduled classes, however, we also understand that emergencies do occur and they may miss some classes. All missed classes can be made up within 30 days from the day of absence.

NO CREDITS/NOR REFUNDS will be issued for any missed classes.

Holidays are not made up. We do not charge extra when the month has five classes. One compensates the other.

Picking Up Your Child

For the safety of the student, parents must personally come in the dance studio to pick them up. No student will be allowed to wait outside or out of the studio to a car honking outside. Students waiting to be picked up may wait in the hallway.

Parents are welcomed to wait in the lobby area for the students to finish class. Please do not go in the hallways as it distracts the students taking class. You may watch the class through the monitor in the lobby area.

Students must be picked up no later than 10 minutes after class is finished. Just Dance It! is not responsible for any student left in the premises for more than 10 minutes after their class is finished.

Student Dismissal

Just Dance It! reserves the right to dismiss a student for insubordination, missing scheduled rehearsals, being constantly late to class, or late with payments. Teachers may take students out of class if they are not properly dressed, hair is not properly done, or are being disruptive in class.


Any student participating in a Just Dance It! class and/or event takes certain incumbent risks. These include but are not limited to sprains, pulled muscle and broken bones. Participation in class and/or events indicate the acceptance of these risks by attendees and their parents and/or guardians. Just Dance It! assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property loss at the dance studios or any of its events.

Monthly Tuition

Monthly tuition is due the first day of the month and must be paid no later than on the student’s first scheduled class of the month, regardless whether the student attends class or not.

Tuition payments not made by the 8th of the month, will be assessed a $20.00 late fee. This late fee penalty will also apply to competition fees ($25.00) and recital fees.

Just Dance It! does not accept checks. We accept credit cards, debit cards and cash.

Students will not be allowed to participate in class if tuition payment is late (after the 8th of the month).

Dance Attire

Each type of dance requires a specific dance attire:

Dance Attire

Each type of dance requires a specific dance attire:


Any type of dance clothes. No shoes. Hair up.

Baby Ballet (3-5 year olds)

School uniform (Purple leotard, pink tights, pink split sole ballet shoes and black patent leather shoes). Hair in a bun. (No diapers, pull ups, etc.)


Sports bra, boys shorts, Black Jazz shoes or half soles. Hair up.


Sports bra, boys shorts, half soles. Hair up.


Plain black leotard, pink tights, pink split sole ballet shoes. Hair pulled back in a neat bun. Optional skirt in black only.


Any type of leotard, dance pants, sports bra, tank top, etc. Boy shorts. Black tap shoes. Hair up.


Plain Black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes. Hair pulled back neat in a bun. Optional skirt in black.


Black leotard, black & white Flamenco skirt, tan tights, Castañuelas and Flamenco shoes. Hair in a bun.


Any type of dance clothes. Sneakers. Hair up.


Jewelry is never worn to dance class and Teacher may ask student to remove jewelry while taking class. Small earrings are acceptable. The dance studio will not be responsible if jewelry is lost while taking class.


All ballet students must wear their hair back in a neat tight bun. We keep hair supplies at the front desk in case a student needs them. Ballet students will not be allowed to take class if their hair is not properly done for the type of class.

Holiday Show

The Holiday Show will be held December 15th, 2024 JD | Christmas Show - Mandatory for Duos, Trios

End of School Year Recital

The end of school year recital will be held June 22nd, 2025 at 5:00 PM


Costume selections are decided by the school administration and do not include shoes, most accessories, and/or stockings. Because most costumes are manufactured out of state, it is necessary to place our orders well in advance.

DEADLINE TO PURCHASE HOLIDAY SHOW COSTUMES IS OCTOBER 7TH, 2024.Any orders placed after deadline date will be subject to an additional shipping charge of approximately $17.00.

DEADLINE TO PURCHASE END OF SCHOOL YEAR RECITAL COSTUMES IS FEBRUARY 1ST, 2025.Any orders placed after deadline date will be subject to an additional shipping charge of approximately $17.00.

Holiday show costumes will be arriving sometime in November and as late as the beginning of December. June recital costumes will be arriving sometime in early May. In order to receive their costume(s), a student’s account must be paid up to date. Please check with the front desk to make sure your account is current. Late fees apply. If you owe any late fees, the costume will be held back until they are paid.

Most costumes are ordered from catalogs an although we measure each student before placing the order, some costumes may need minor alterations. Alterations are the responsibility of the student.

Students who purchase costumes and decide later on not to participate in the shows will pick up the costumes after the shows. You have 30 days after each show to pick up these costumes. Costumes not claimed within 30 days after each show will be donated to a charitable organization.

Recital Fees

Holiday Show performers will pay a $70.00 recital fee due October 7th, 2024. Additional members of the immediate family (brothers/sisters) who are performing in the Holiday Show will pay $50.00 also due October 7th, 2024.

June Recital performers will pay a $90.00 recital fee due April 1st, 2025. Additional members of the immediate family (brothers/sisters) who are performing in the June recital will pay $60.00 each, also due April 1nd, 2025.

This fee will cover the cost of producing the show. There will be a late fee of $15.00 if payment of this fee is not received by the 8th of the month in which the fee is due. Please note show tickets are not included in this fee.

Performance Tickets

Holiday show tickets will go on sale at the dance studio on Saturday, December 7nd, 2024.Tickets will cost $35.00 Tickets are always paid in cash.

June recital tickets will go on sale at the dance studio on Saturday, June 7th, 2025.Tickets will cost $40.00. Tickets are always paid in cash.

Dress Rehearsals

June 8th, 2025 Recreational Classes Dress Rehearsal

Recital Drop Off

All students participating in the recitals must report backstage one hour before the show, with their first costume on, make up, and hair done, ready to perform.

Class Rehearsals/Attendance

We take our recitals very seriously and try to prepare a performance that will be a pleasant and unforgettable experience for the students as well as parents. You want your child to do his/her best and in order to do so, she/he needs to attend class and not miss classes unnecessarily. Please try to schedule family vacations after the dates of the shows so your child may attend all rehearsals conducted in class before the performance. Students who have not attended class during the month of the performance, or who have not paid tuition for the month of the performance will not be allowed to participate.

Recital Program Book

Each year we want to have a bigger and better program for the recital with your child’s picture in it. Without help from the parents this would not be possible.

We will have meetings with parents who wish to get involved in selling ads for this year’s recital program book. Parents may also volunteer to coordinate their child’s class picture to be in the book and can also purchase a page or section of a page for their child's picture.

We take pride in the quality of our program books and this will be a precious memory to keep for a lifetime.Prices for ads will be as follow:

- Full Color Page - $300

- Half Page - $200

- Quarter Page - $150

NOTE: Deadline to purchase ads will May 8th, 2025. All ads will be paid in CASH unless it is a business ad which can be paid with a business check. All business ads will have a business card or logo on the ad.


Recital pictures will be taken at the dance studio as follows:

Recital Pictures for Company Team - May 17th, 2025

Recital Pictures for Recreational Classes - May 18th, 2025

Students or parents/guardians of students automatically grant permission to Just Dance It! to use their photos for publicity purposes in print ads, brochures and the like.


We always count on mothers to help backstage and will be forever grateful to those who volunteer. Sorry, no Dads backstage.Being a stagemother, however, has certain responsibilities. They are as follow:

- Attend dress rehearsal and stagemother’s meetings. (mandatory)

- Familiarize yourself with the students (class ) under your care.

- Report to venue at least one (1) hour before the show.

- Keep students under control.

- Help students when they need to change costumes.

- Bring extra make up, gel, hair pins, hairnets, hair spray and hair brush to touch up any student that needs it. Also, please bring a small sewing kit, an old comforter if taking care of babies, and plenty of safety pins.

- Help little ones when they need to go to the bathroom.

- Do not allow any student to go out of the assigned room without a stagemom.

- Do not allow any adult(other than a stagemom) to come in the dressing rooms.

- Do not allow any other students in your area.

- Stay with your group at all times.

- You will only be allowed to go behind and/or the side of the stage while your group is dancing. You will go back to the dressing rooms as soon as their number is done.

- Stagemothers cannot leave until all students, under their care, have been picked up.

- Stagemothers will wear black pants with black or white shirt (depending on which show they are working) so they can be easily identified. We recommend you wear comfortable shoes.

- We will start taking volunteers for the Holiday Show at the beginning of November 2024 and for the End of School Year Recital at the beginning of April 2025.


We expect all students participating in any of our events to attend all scheduled rehearsals. Excessive absences during the month of competition/events/performances will be cause for dismissal.

Students participating in any of Just Dance It! events will be expected to stay until the end of the event.

There will be no refunds/returns/credits for any expenses related to competitions, events, or performances (this includes costumes, recital fees, recital tickets, competition fees and/or prepaid trip expenses.

Competition Team

We encourage students to audition for the competition team. Students are picked based on technique, stage presence, and very importantly physical appearance.

Team members represent the school and as such, we expect them to look their best during the regular school year and in any event where they perform. This includes wearing the appropriate dance attire when attending class as well as keeping their hair neat, properly brushed and properly done.

While in our school, earring are only to be worn in the lower earlobe, and only one at a time.

Perfect attendance is expected of the Competition Team and there will be penalties to be paid for those team members absent without a valid excuse. Only cases of an extreme emergency nature will be considered as a valid excuse. Team members are required to take certain amount of classes on a weekly basis.

August 24th, 2025, Competition team parents meeting/breakfast 8:30am. (adults only)

Private Lessons

Private lessons will be coordinated with the teacher and the front desk for classroom availability. Once an appointment for a private lesson has been made, if it needs to be cancelled, notification must be given at least 24 hours nce, or the class will have to be paid. Privates are paid in cash, at the front desk, prior to taking the class.

Important Dates


August 5th

First day of recreational classes.

August 5th - 9th

Intensive Workshop (mandatory for competition team).

August 12th

First day of competition classes.

August 24th

Competition team parents meeting/breakfast 8:30am. (adults only)

August 27th

Competition Agreement Due

September 2nd


September 8th

Beach Kick off Party - Location TBA

September 24th

Competition Team Entry Fee Due $300

October 1st

Competition Team Jacket due - Price TBA

October 6th

JP Mandatory Pictures

October 7th

Holiday Show costumes and recital fees due (additional shipping charges due if costume(s) purchased after this date).

October 27th

Tentative Sip & Shop/Team Bonding

October 31st

Halloween - Closed

November 15th

Regional Competition Fees Due

November 17th

Team Friendsgiving

November 28th - 30th

Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

December 7nd

Holiday Show tickets on sale at the dance studio (cash only please)

December 15th

JD | Christmas Show - Mandatory for Duos, Trios

December 20th

JD | Christmas Company Team Party

December 21st

Last day of classes before Christmas Break


January 4th

Classes begin

January 21st

Group Recital Pictures Due

February 1st

Recital Costume Fees Due

February 14th

16th UBC (Miramar) Ballet Only Optional

March 8th

Pre Competition Lock inional

March 14-16th

Mandatory Competition - Ft Myers

April 1st

Recital Fee due

April 11-13th

Mandatory Competition - Ft Lauderdale

April 18th & 19th

Closed for Easter Holiday

May 2-4th

Mandatory Competition - Lakeland, FL

May 8th

Program Book Ads Due

May 10th

JDI Gala

May 17th

Recital Pictures for Company Team

May 18th

Recital Pictures for Recreational Classes

May 26th

Memorial Day - Closed

June 4th

Recital Stage Mom Meeting

June 7th

Recital Ticket Sale

June 8th

Recreational Classes Dress Rehearsal

June 9th

Summer dance camp begins

June 22nd

End of Year Recital @ 5:00pm

June 28th

Last day of classes


Optional Nationals 2025